Sunday 5 November 2017

Your Job Search Should Never End, Even If You Have A Job! Do You Know Why?

In a recent conversation with a friend, catching up with each other’s lives and leading on to talk about economics, a very odd question popped up. As the economic analytics moved on to depressions, unemployment, economic bubbles, and so, we came to a point where we asked ourselves; What if the next day, we are fired? And let me ask you the same, What if you do?
However unlikely it may seem to most of us, it isn’t unheard of and it isn’t a rare case either. Organizations are known to change strategies and priorities and many things, often, very abruptly. And a lot of times, it results in employees being laid off work and employment terminated. There may be many other reasons of it happening as well, the point is, things like these happen, and they may happen to just anyone, even the best of performers.
While it is highly unlikely for most us too, it certainly is a nightmare to be thinking of. Which brought us to the point, are we prepared for it, can we go on about our life and career irrespective of such events? Is it really so easy to bring us down? Well, no, neither it is nor should it be. And the only one counter-measure one needs is to be prepared always!
And to be prepared, the most important elements are anyway what we should have sorted. Let’s get over them one by one.
· Keep yourself industry ready.
· Keep yourself industry relevant.
· Keep yourself financially stable.
· Be updated with everything and everyone relevant to your industry.
· Keep learning, including cross-industry skills.
That is the simplest it could get. But doing them is equally complicated and needs regular and efficiently made efforts. The security itself will build up over-time, till then, it must be all a carefully calculated set of steps and tasks. These should be the first few steps that need to be taken among the standard practices of job search:
One of the most powerful professional tools out there, LinkedIn will take care of two very important things for you. One, networking inside and beyond your industry, especially among the management and human resource personnel, Two, strengthen and keep your profile updated with the best and most targeted information about your professional prowess. The best practices to make these happen are:
· Starting with the basics, keep your profile updated with any relevant information, courses, certifications, achievements, and links. The catch here is, it can be used to enhance reputation via a very simple step, keeping the “Share Profile Changes” switched on and making changes, relevant ones, regularly. Even if a pool of changes comes together, make them with gaps segregated into sets. Why? Well, it’ll keep you visible and show a progressive professional life amongst your connections because most won’t be viewing your profile regularly yet they will know that you are moving forward.
· Network among your connections and their connections by engaging professionally in online activities and sharing good content. Little things like few words of appreciation, gratitude, and constructive criticism (toned down as suggestions with a hint to connecting for detailed discussions) go a long way. Engaging through industry-specific groups and experts give a significant boost to reputation. Also, incite one on one discussions to keep your visibility strong, need not spend much time but invest a little.
· Write and post content with the community. Give it a professional, and constructive and insightful touch. Become an inside expert in your industry and network. And make people engage with you as well.
And you will never run out of offers and opportunities, it is tried and tested by many.
Create a bunch of resumes, update them all and be ready to use them anytime. Also, have a copy of them in semi-public domains as well where recruiters can find you, like Job Portals (more on this later). Let the offers come, consider them but don’t waste anyone’s time with it. Let your contacts and everyone know that you will always be open to the “right” offer. And it should be more about growth and opportunity and money (lower on priority but a priority nonetheless). Give it a little time regularly and distributed as needed.
Professional and personal networking is a great thing for anyone to grow but also takes resources and time equally. It will not grow you directly, but it can certainly help you grow by bringing opportunities, contacts, reputation, and so. Attend networking events, meeting, have meetups among professional groups, spend the breaks with colleagues and seniors, not every day but regularly. In short, spread the word, spread your charm!
Job Portals
Job search portals are a thing these days and some of them are really efficient at it. With numerous vacancies, if you keep your profile active and updated(with resume at best a month old) it can be very effective a measure to damage control. It is important to note that most portals deactivate profiles from mail alerts and viewability if not operated (log in) for six months or so. Shine network also facilitates linking your LinkedIn profile and keep itself updated accordingly, saving time. With privacy settings for contact and other info, you can keep your job alerts switched on, receive communications (emails and calls/SMS) from recruiters and be on the radar always. What’s important to note is, One, doing the former two will aid towards this profile, Two, if configured and used properly, the profile will invite opportunities and communications that will help grow the network as well.
And finally, Save and Invest
Just like your time and efforts, money is yet another resource that can be saved and invested properly to create substantial reserves to survive the emergencies. As a mature professional, it is in itself a sign of responsibility developed by handling money the right way. Make two kinds of reserves, One, savings, ready to be used anytime for emergencies, substantial enough to fund several months of survival, typically six at least, Two, invested carefully with a long-term goal, which grows with time due to returns on it as well as periodic additions for further investment. The second reserve will take time to process if a withdrawal is needed, maybe even a waiting period to be released, thus, the first reserve.
So, while things are going smooth around you, it is important to be prepared for the worse. Everyone has some ups and down in their store to be taken care of. And as big an up one hopes to go, as down they should also prepare to handle as well. A balanced approach to life and work is all that a person needs to keep going and be happy!

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